Hamish Martin is a ‘miracle’, why you may ask?
Everyone in life has a story. Hamish’s story is one that will shock, amaze, confront, but most of all inspire. Given what he has experienced to date both personally and professionally, quite frankly, he should not be here! Having experienced the extremities of the human experience, he has garnered invaluable insights, lessons, teachings that are deep, broad and extensive that can serve the multitudes.
Hamish time and time again saw people operate inauthentically with their values, they often struggled with what true security meant for they never found it in their bank balances, bricks, and mortar, or relationships. They seemingly ‘had it all, but for whatever reason felt bereft at a soul level. Hamish realised through his 7 stages of recovery for himself the solution to what was missing….what it takes to be in ‘alignment’. When one is ‘out of alignment’ one cannot manifest that which one deserves. Often we have no sounding board, no neutral territory from which we can express what is truly there for us.
Having spent 25+ years in the aviation sector, Hamish has worked up the ranks to being a fully qualified airline pilot and helicopter pilot. He has spent numerous years specialising in high-end business consultancy spanning the Sales/Finance, Insurance and Hospitality sectors. Given his aviation background, he understands more than most what it takes to navigate the terrain of life.
Hamish Martin has also specialised in high-end business consultancy, coaching and speaking with the core focus being on ‘Alignment’. Many people DO life but to be in the experience of true living they often need to dig deep and get present to the areas of their lives that are quite frankly ‘out of alignment’. To evolve to new levels of unconscious competency, the non-linear (unknown realm) takes something. Some call it the zone, the vortex, the experiential realm of operation.
Hamish has a program specialising in ’sustainable transformation’ for the purposes of championing a new level of living. Hamish has navigated adversity that no one should experience. Having suffered childhood abuse, he went on to experience and survive alcoholism as an adult. He journeyed to the heights of a business career and climbed the ranks of the aviation industry to have it all fall down as a result of his severe disconnect through alcoholism. Whilst many aspects of his life apprenticeship are sad and heart-wrenching, he is alive today to tell his story of forgiveness. The feeling of hope and possibility is overwhelming for those who get the privilege to hear his story of recovery.
Hamish is passionate about paying forward his legacy of what it means to live and lead an integrated life when one is aligned with one's values. He is committed to making a significant difference to those who he has the privilege to meet and connect with.
Hamish’s work-book is available on request . A must-read about a unique journey that can be articulated in 7 phases –
1: Acknowledgment (Acknowledge what is not working)
2: Appreciation (Appreciate the impact of your behaviour)
3: Understanding (Understand why it is happening)
4: Forgiveness (Forgive those who have impacted you)
5: Exploration (Explore who you truly are and what is possible)
6: Alignment (Identify where you are and get into alignment)
7: Redesign (Redesign your life from the inside out)
If you are ready to CONNECT with who you truly are, INTEGRATE with the areas of your life that are out of alignment, and SUCCEED in a way you have never experienced then book now for a 1/2 hour no obligation free consultation with Hamish.
It will be 1/2 hour out of your life that you will not regret.