12 Health tips
1: Bed at same time every night, before 10.30pm
2: No devices within 30 mins of sleep
3: Affirmations and gratitude list before sleep
4: No food 2 hours before bed
5: Get out of bed same time
6: Do affirmations on awakening
7: Drink warm salty water with lemon asap after awakening
8: Exercise 15 minutes using deep breathing
9: Look directly at sun for 5 -10 secs
10: Cold bath or shower 30 sec
11: No caffeine within 2 hours of awakening
12: Consider you plans for the day.
Just some health tips that have been of great help to me.
My adrenal system was worked to its limits over the years in particular the lockdown and vaccine period.
I have had to re evaluate everything about my life and try to recover health wise both mentally and physically.
By sticking to the above I have been able to recover, and the daily program is now ongoing.
Sadly, at my age now 62, I have seen many people pass away who, in my view, did so before their time.
My recovery continues as I stick to these basics and add the enjoyable parts of life with family & friends and also explore my spirituality.
You can develop an exercise program quickly, “but diet is a never-ending task.
Don’t worry too much about what you eat for a start, just aim for a good balance of fruits and vegetables, fats, and proteins every day.
Just get started, – especially with your exercises. The trick is to try mixing it up with different activities and get a training partner. That alone will make a 1-hour workout seem like 20 minutes.”
It is impossible to start too slowly, but it is possible to progress too slowly. To paraphrase, success comes from showing up. Just show up and start.”
Most importantly do your own research on the topics I have discussed.
There really is a lot of knowledge available, but the approach I have outlined has proven to be a real game changer for me and I am sure for you also.